name a few

[neim ə fju:]
  • 释义
  • 说出一些或举些例子;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Age - old artifacts, and silver, and paintings - just to name a few.

    远古玉器, 金银器, 名画,还有好多其他的.

  • 2、

    Let's see if I can name a few off the cuff, or without any preparation.


  • 3、

    I can name a few: direct mail, outdoor media, transit media, and miscellaneous.

    我给你举几个例吧: 直接信函, 户外媒体, 移动媒体和其他广告媒体.

  • 4、

    Electronics provide the basis for countless innovations - CD players, TVs, and computers, to name a few.

    电子学为无数的新发明提供了基础 —— 如CD播放器 、 电视及电脑等.

  • 5、

    Zhongguancun name a few variations, it was originally called in Tuen clearance.

    中关村的名字几次变异, 它原名中关屯.

  • 6、

    Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, and Waldo Emerson ( to name a few ) were considered radical thinkers.

    史蒂夫·乔布斯, 爱因斯坦和爱默生 ( 仅举几例 ) 曾经被认为是激进的思想家.

  • 7、

    Very well. Shell Cassida is being used by Nestle, Unilever, Heineken and Danone - to name a few.

    非常看好. 举几个简单的例子,目前,雀巢 、 联合利华 、 heineken和Danone等都在使用壳牌加适达产品.
